10 Blogging Tips and Tricks To Get You Moving

10 Blogging Tips and Tricks To Get You Moving :: http://www.christinepantazis.com/10-blogging-tips-and-tricks-to-get-moving/?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=featureimage&utm_campaign=bloggingtipstricks

Bloggin’ ain’t easy! Trust me I know! I’ve been working on content for a long time! Not just on this space either. Sometimes I write for clients or I work with bloggers to help them develop their space and build their following. I also know they might not have the ability or know-how when it comes to some of the more advanced and pricey tools or know of simple ways to drive traffic . For that reason, I’ve put together a list of  Blogging tips and tricks to get you moving!!

1) Canva
Canva is an amazing image creation and editing platform. It’s completely online so you don’t need to download software and take up space on your Mac or PC If you use one of the awesome pre-selected sizes – canva has awesome and creative templates you could use and even customize. Want to upload your images? No problem!! You can upload images easily and drop them into your canvas in a click or two! Need stock images?  Canva has those too! It’s an incredibly powerful and easy to use tool!

2) Rafflecopter
It’s no secret (not anymore), that contests help raise engagement and awareness – that’s why so many brands and bloggers alike run them! There are many campaign and contest apps out there that can run complex FB campaigns and contests but if you’re just starting out running a simple follow/ tweet / comment / like us (or all of the above), to win campaign could be lots of fun and bring you new readership! Rafflecopter has a paid option if you want to add photos and use up some of its premium options but, the free version is amazing and does everything you’d need when first starting out.

3) Specific Image Sizes
I know, you’re like what? How is that going to help me but, trust me grasshopper, images might be engaging but if they’re not showing up properly and if it takes people too many steps to figure out what you’re trying to say with your image… You’ve lost them!
So, here is a list of image sizes you’ll need to properly engage with your audience!

  • Twitter “Feature” Image sizes 300x600px OR an image with a 2:1 ratio. Images this size will show up in the Twitter feed and will not be cut off. Perfect for promotion.
  • Facebook Ad Sizing: 1200×627 pixels. This is really the best image size for sharing your posts and promotions. It also lends itself well to directing traffic… I’ll show you guys how to do this later.
  • Instagram’s images are square but for best results when creating a promo image use 640×640 px
  • For Pinterest most are suggesting 735x1102px but, I’d change it up sometimes. I don’t think everything needs to be so completely uniform. A combination of landscape and portait images always makes for a more interesting board. I have a list of the best image sizes for cover photos and profile pictures I can share later on.

4) Bullet Points, Images & Headings
Blog posts that are text dense are really hard to get through. Even for avid readers, reading online gets tiresome. My suggestion is to break up the heavy text with bullet points, headings and images! It’s a great way to demonstrate a point or give instruction within a tutorial and break up mundane paragraphs.

5) target=”_blank”
You did all this work to get your readers to your blog – WHY send them away? Make sure that all your links once clicked by your end user open in a new page or tab. If you’re coding your post manually it looks like this <a href=”http://www.christinepantazis.com” target=_blank”>My Index Page </a>. If you’re using a content management system like WordPress, Click on the add a link button and check “Open in a new page”.

6) Alt Tags
If you haven’t been filling them in. Please, PLEASE get on it. Not only is it good for accessibility … it’s good for your SEO value as well. It should be considered a best blogging practice.

7) Multi-Platform Sharing
A great way to get the news out about your blog post & direct traffic to it – is to post it. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and whatever platforms your audience uses. Get on it and share.

8) UTM Codes
Once you’re sharing everywhere you’re going to want to learn what posts, platforms, dates work best for you and your readership. UTM codes can help you gain a deeper understanding of what’s happening in Google Analytics. I only use 3 UTM codes currently – Source, Medium and Campaign. You will need to have an Analytics account set up. Here is a great URL Builder (*Notice how that linked opened in a new page or tab?)

9) Plugins
Chances are you’re using a CMS, like WordPress. WordPress offers a number of plugins (yep, still opened in a new page)that could help elevate your blog and your blogger game! Ask around – chances are your friends and fellow bloggers have a few they just can’t life without.

10) Friends & Family
Honestly, it doesn’t hurt to ask your friends and family to share you links and posts. If you’re really starting out you need all the help you can get! Even when you’ve been blogging for a while many still ask their friends for help sharing posts. In fact entire “Blogger Sharing Circles” have started that way!

I guess that does it, you’ve got some good tips to get you moving and driving traffic! Do you have any blogging tips and tricks you’d like to share? Drop them in the comments.

4 thoughts on “10 Blogging Tips and Tricks To Get You Moving

  1. As always, like a good friend, I come bearing caveats 🙂

    1) Canva

    Note that stock images generally come at $0.99 per image. If you have a repository of your own images, make sure to upload them to save you the headaches later!

    2) Rafflecopter

    There’s the two contest camps of Rafflecopter vs. Giveaway Tools. I’ve actually started moving to the premium version of the latter, mostly due to its “Refer a Friend” option to give people points for referring their friends to the contest. Want to keep it low, though, so you don’t get too spammy.

    3) Specific Image Sizes

    To build on Canva from earlier, it has a number of preset templates to meet JUST these needs.

    4) Bullet Points, Images & Headings

    I’d mentioned it in a post on 20 Something Bloggers — walls of text are THE DEVIL on the Internet. Don’t treat the Internet like a newspaper. Please. Follow Christine’s advice here.

    5) target=”_blank”

    …people still don’t know this?

    6) Alt Tags

    Alt tags. Image titles. Make ’em relevant! IMG_0165.jpg will do you NO FAVOURS.

    7) Multi-Platform Sharing

    Also make sure to customize the message per platform. One message to cover them all does NOT work.

    8) UTM Codes

    But what do you do once you HAVE all that data? Google Avinash Kaushik who has some great materials for further insight on the matter!

    9) Plugins

    But DON’T OVERDO IT with the plugins! Using plugins weighs down the load speed of your site, so you need to use only what you need. Jetpack is a good one to cover MOST bases!

    10) Friends & Family

    But make sure to do it in moderation 😛 If you post links for family and friends to vote every day, they eventually just won’t care anymore 😐

    Okay! That’s me being a friend 😉


    1. Casey, always awesome to have you drop by!

      1) I mentioned the stock imgages were paid right? Opps.
      2) I think Rafflecopter is a good entry level app… I use ShortStack Paid. I run some pretty complex stuff for clients. Rafflecopter is good when I’m just doing something quick. I must check out the other app you mentioned.
      3) They don’t have the custom feature image sizes for Twitter… I know. Sad right?
      4) Great post BTW. 😀
      5) RIGHT?!??!
      6) I <3 U
      7) GOOD ONE!
      8) For me it's knowing when to post. What types of posts work and what PLATFORMS are best for sharing each topic.... 😀
      9) OR the conflicts... LOL OH the plugin conflicts.
      10) RIGHT! You'd hope that was common sense... right? Scary.

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